Call Now! (727) 736-3032
434 Main Street Dunedin, FL 34698-4964
Dr. Terry Zervos
Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

Intraoral Camera

An intraoral camera allows our practice to view clear, precise images of your teeth and gums. These images allow us to make a more accurate diagnosis and develop a better treatment plan for each patient. A faster, more accurate diagnosis means less chair time for you! It also allows you to see everything we see and know everything we know!

Show and Tell

Many patients struggle to understand why they need complicated dental procedures when they aren’t experiencing any pain or have visual evidence the procedure is needed. Intraoral cameras allow each patient to see the state of their mouth in real-time rather than being shown difficult to understand X-Rays or listening to the explanation of the dentist. Instead, patients will be able to see with their own eyes the doctor’s diagnosis.

Intraoral cameras are roughly the same size as a pen and are fitted with a camera and light. The camera then transmits the images to a computer screen or television monitor. You’ll be able to see right away a fractured tooth, abscess, or cavity. In the case of the intraoral camera, a picture may be worth more than a thousand words!

Request An Appointment

Please call us with any questions you may have or to request a consultation.

(727) 736-3032

We look forward to hearing from you!